the other big story this week will no doubt be the US Treasury's move to save the US auto industry from collapse. it's all very vague at the moment and this week should see the answers to the main questions:
how much?
from where? (george w said that using the tarp funds was a 'possibility')
and for how long? (most likely until obama takes the helm) I was saying yesterday we've two calls:

eur/usd (dec 1-5 & dec 8-12): last week's long white confirmed the doji of the week before and could possibly mark the breakout of the narrowing range that eur/usd has been trading in for the last 6 0r so weeks.
forecast: the euro looks set to continue its recovery.
support: 1.3290
resistance: 1.3645

forecast: the candles remind us that december is often difficult for the dollar.
support: 1.1605
resistance: 1.1920

forecast: the candles caution against pitting your account against the BoJ!
support: 89.0
resistance: 93.0

forecast: the candles are watching this ugly-contest with interest
support: 1.4660
resistance: 1.5150
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